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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust



The Curriculum at Thomas Knyvett College is underpinned by the following characteristics:

  • A personalised approach to ensure the needs of each student are met.
  • Challenging, motivational and one where progression is ensured.
  • Recognition of the new skills required to achieve in a changing world – new technologies, critical analysis, problem solving and creativity.
  • Skills and knowledge are merged in the curriculum and not to be mutually exclusive.
  • Access to both academic and vocational subjects.
  • Preparation to be active citizens in a complex world.
  • Assessment for learning needs to be integrated as a key to differentiation, motivation, independence and maximising achievement.

As such all students can study the following subjects through to age 16:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Modern Foreign Language – French or Spanish or both
  • Humanities – Geography, History, Religious Studies
  • Design technology – Catering, Resistant Materials, Graphic Design, Health and Social Care
  • Expressive Arts – Art, Drama, Music, Physical Education
  • Information Communication Technology

Students are able to make subject selections for Key Stage 4 in Year 9 for courses beginning in Year 10. We endeavour to personalise the curriculum for all students offering the English Baccalaureate route and vocational courses.  Students can study a range of Humanities subjects as well as Modern Foreign Languages.  All students study Religious Studies to GCSE.  Science courses include the separate sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  For more information, please see the Options 2023 section of our website. 

Class sizes, although variable, are an average of 22 in Key Stage 3 and 20 at Key Stage 4. Support for students with SEN is available within the classroom and by withdrawal interventions.