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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


At Thomas Knyvett College careers and developing aspirations are a priority for all students.

Through-out the careers programme students have the opportunity to:

  • To discuss their aspirations
  • Meet employers and gain experience of the real-life world of work
  • Make informed choices about their academic and career options
  • Create an action plan to help them meet their career goals
  • Develop an understanding of employability skills
  • Successfully manage key transitions


  • Year 8 and 9 students benefit from the ‘Future Fridays’ programme looking at different careers
  • Post 16 Choices – Performance Entertaining way of informing students about post-16 options
  • Year 9 students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme
  • Various providers convey information about Apprenticeships
  • Year 9 options process
  • Careers fairs


  • Year 10 and 11 students benefit from the ‘Future Fridays’ programme looking at different careers
  • Year 10 students are expected to complete a week of work experience
  • CVs and covering Letters
  • The Big Interview
  • Royal Holloway University Taster Days for years 10 and 11
  • College/Sixth Form taster lessons
  • Careers Fairs
  • External speakers
  • Careers interviews for students in Years 10 and 11
  • What Next Questionnaire to support post-16 choices and identify those who require additional support
  • Surrey County Council – advice aimed at those at risk of NEET-selected students.

Our Careers Leader is Mr J McPherson, email: 

Telephone: 01784 249 821

Our School Governor is Neil Higgins

Monitoring, Review & Evaluation

The careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated regularly by the Careers Leader in consultation with the Leadership team and Governors.  This programme is updated in the summer term.

Funding is allocated in the annual budget planning in the context of whole school priorities and particular needs in the CEIAG area.  The Careers Leader is responsible for the effective deployment of resources.

Enrichment & Extra-Curricular

Being involved in extra-curricular activities is a great way to learn new skills, gain new experience and will enrich any CV, college, university or job application.

  • National Citizen Service – A subsidised project that runs in the school holidays that gives young people the opportunity to volunteer and gain new skills.  Being involved in this will enhance any college, university or job application.
  • Volunteering – V inspired has volunteering opportunities for 14-30 year olds
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award – At Thomas Knyvett College students in Years 9 and 10 have the opportunity to complete the Bronze and Silver Awards.
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) opportunities are delivered by the relevant departments.
  • Sports and PE – The PE Department and the academies run a wide range of extra-curricular activities.  Being part of a sports team is a great way to show teamwork and develop resilience skills.
  • Other opportunities for enrichment are regularly advertised through the school bulletin.